
Two new ESRs join CARTHAGO
The CARTHAGO consortium would like to welcome ESR 11 (Carla Jorquera) and ESR 3 (Adriano Pontes). They have recently started their PhDs at the UMCU (The Netherlands) and 20Med Therapeutics (The Netherlands), respectively. You can read more about their background and contribution to CARTHAGO in their personal pages.
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CARTHAGO welcomes two ESRs
The CARTHAGO consortium would like to welcome the first two ESRs of the project! ESR 6 (Marwa Elkhashab) and ESR 9 (Katrin Münzebrock) started their PhDs at the iNANO (Denmark) and UMCU (The Netherlands), respectively. You can read more about their background and contribution to CARTHAGO in their personal pages.
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And we’re off…
As of September 1st, CARTHAGO has officially started. If you want to know what we will be doing in the next few years, start by having a look at our About page. We will start recruitment for most ESR positions soon, so keep an eye on this space!
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