ESR8 – Mahshid Pashootan
About Mahshid

Mahshid Pashootan was born on March 24th, 1995 in Shiraz, Iran. In 2013 she entered Shiraz University to study Materials Science and Engineering. After she graduated in 2017, she was certain that her true passion was Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery, and she decided to dedicate her future career to research in these fields. To gain more experience in multidisciplinary research, she joined a project on “Extraction of Hyaluronic Acid from Human Umbilical Cord and Production and Characterization of Nanocomposite Scaffold by Electrospinning Method”. She graduated from her Master’s studies in the field of Biomedical Engineering at Keele University in the United Kingdom in 2020. Her Master’s thesis was on “Clinical Assessments and Radiological Imaging Techniques for the Diagnosis of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)”.
In her leisure time, Mahshid loves to hike, read books, and watch movies. She is also a Yogi and she enjoys cooking and dancing as well. She loves to travel as much as she can and she takes pleasure in playing board games.
Mahshid’s role within CARTHAGO
Mahshid joined CARTHAGO in April 2021 as an early-stage researcher. She works under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Heikki Nieminen and Dr. Gonçalo Barreto at the Medical Ultrasonics Laboratory (MEDUSA), Dept. of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (Aalto University, Finland). The leading aim of her project is to deliver nucleic acids into articular cartilage and intervertebral disc tissue and cells using non-linear ultrasonic methods. Specifically, Mahshid’s studies will focus on ultrasound-enabled release of nucleic acids from carriers inside tissue. Her research will define optimal ultrasonic parameters and conditions maximizing delivery efficiency, while minimizing any potential adverse effects.